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[2024/7/27 11:07:30]
China International Hardware Show 2017
[2024/7/27 11:07:30]
China International Hardware Show 2017 Address: National Exhibiton and Convention Center(Shanghai) Show Dates:Oct 22-24,2017 Add:National Exhibiton and Convention Center(Shanghai) Booth No.:7.2L152#
Canton Fair
[2024/7/27 11:07:30]
Holding Date:Oct 15-19, 2017 Address:Guangzhou, China, Screwdriver booth#14.3G10
16th Tehran International Industry Exhibition
[2024/7/27 11:07:30]
16th Tehran International Industry Exhibition Holding Date:Oct 5-8, 2016 Address:Tehran International Fairground,No. 15, 9th Ave. Gandhi St. Tehran – Iran Hall#38B, Stand#38B56
China International Hardware Show 2016
[2024/7/27 11:07:30]
China International Hardware Show 2016 Holding Date:Oct. 21-23 2016 Address:National Exhibition & Convention Center( Shanghai ),NO.333 SongZe Road, QingPu District, Shanghai China. Booth Num:7N089
Canton Fair
[2024/7/27 11:07:30]
Canton Fair, Holding Date:Oct 15-19, 2016 Address:Guangzhou, China, Screwdriver booth#14.3C36
2016 National Hardware Show in Las Vegas
[2024/7/27 11:07:30]
Las Vegas, a city that never sleeps, luxurious warm civilized city. US local time on May 2, AONENG electricians and AONENG photoelectric colleagues to join the United States in Las Vegas Hardware Show.
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